Tuesday, April 28, 2009

AT 80mpg FORD READY TO COMPETE - Fusion hybrid 1,000 miles with 1/3 of a tank left

The team that set out this past weekend to cover 1,000 miles on a single tank of gasoline succeeded and then some. When the team of race drivers, engineers and hyper-milers crossed the 1,000 mile a little after 9 a.m. on Monday morning, there was still more than a third of a tank left. Over 47 hours of running, the team led by NASCAR driver Carl Edwards and including record braking hyper-miler Wayne Gerdes averaged over 80 mpg. The plan is to drive the bone stock Fusion until the tank runs dry. Along the way team members are running public clinics to help teach people how to drive more efficiently even if they can't necessarily match the antics of Gerdes. They are also raising money for the Juvenile diabetes Foundation. While it is no doubt possible to achieve these kinds of lofty mileage numbers in the Fusion, it certainly isn't something most people will be doing on a regular basis.


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