Wednesday, May 6, 2009

FORD GETTING READY TO MASS PRODUCE EVs - Will Build Electric Focus in Wayne, Retool Plant FOR 2011 Launch

About 300 UAW workers, Ford Executives and politicians celebrated Ford Motor Co.’s announcement today that it will not only build the Ford Focus at its Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne, but also will built an electric version of the car.

Ford’s $550-million investment preserves about 3,200 jobs and will help the state transform its image from a rust belt state to a green belt state, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm said.

“Thank you for choosing Michigan,” Granholm said. “They could have chosen to go somewhere else in the world, but they chose to have American workers make this car.”

Ford is in the process of transforming Michigan Assembly, previously known as Michigan Truck, from a plant that previously built large SUV's into a plant that will build the compact European version of the Ford Focus starting next year. And, starting in 2011, Ford plans to begin building an electric version of the Ford Focus.

“In the worst of times worldwide, what we are here to do today is to celebrate a plan to profitably grow Ford,” Ford President and CEO Alan Mulally said.


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