Monday, May 11, 2009

IT'S TIME - High-speed solar train proposed as Tucson-Phoenix connection

Project, in idea stage, could cost $27B for 1st phase
By Mariana Alvarado - Arizona Daily Star

The solar train could travel from Tucson to Phoenix in 30 minutes and might someday run from Nogales to the Grand Canyon.

A Tucson company wants to send you someday on a sun-fueled ride from one end of the state to the other.

The idea of a high-speed train that runs on solar power is still in its early stage, but the project's creators are pitching the idea to area cities and potential investors.
The idea is to start a train system that connects Tucson and Phoenix in a first phase. In the future it would extend north to Grand Canyon and south to Nogales. The cost for the first phase alone is estimated at $27 billion. It could start operating in 2018.

Retired civil engineer Bill Gaither and business partner Raymond Wright set up Solar Bullet LLC in Tucson in hopes of designing and building the 220 mph solar bullet train, which would run on four tracks.


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