Monday, July 27, 2009

87MPH & 34%PV EFFICENCY - 4time World Solar Challenge Winner NUON SOLAR Unveils Newest Car

The World Solar Challenge is a grueling car race that runs across more than 3000km of Australian outback, spanning the entire breadth of the continent from Darwin to Adelaide. But the real challenge of this race, which is rather obvious from the name, is that all the competing cars must be completely solar-powered. The objective of this race is to promote research on solar-powered cars and teams from various enterprises and universities participate in it for their quest to better alternative power source technology for automobiles.

For the last four outings of the World Solar Challenge, the team from the Delft University of Technology in Netherlands has been taking home the top prize with their Nuna solar-powered racer. Now, the Delft University's Nuon Solar team has unveiled its latest contender for the 2009 challenge, the Nuna5. Like its predecessor, the Nuna5 is covered by six square meters of solar panels, but now, thanks to advancements in technology, weighs in 30kg less, a total of 160kg excluding the driver, than the previous car.


1 comment:

Bradley Saint George said...

This is great, I think all cars could be solar, or hydro. I just wish there was some type of incentive for the polititions and the auto makers to work towards that. I just watched this video about John Kansas who was trying to cure cancer but figured out how to burn salt water like gas, also there was stanley meyer, he drove a dune buggy powered by gas (before being killed) so why don't WE the people have cars running on water? nice post, thanks for sharing. ~Antony

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