Friday, July 3, 2009

CONNECTICUT FUELS SMALL SCALE SOLAR - reopens solar rebate program with new funds

connecticut.jpg image by leafjumper
The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund is once again accepting applications to its solar rebate program thanks to $3.1 million in fresh funding.

The rebate program, which provides rebates of up to 40 percent for installation of small solar photovoltaic systems, had been closed since November because all previous funding had been allocated. The new funding comes from a mix of federal stimulus funds and electricity ratepayer charges.

“We are delighted to be able to offer this program once again to Connecticut homeowners,” said Lise Dondy, president of Connecticut Clean Energy Fund in a statement. “It has been a highly popular program, enabling the purchase and installation of more than 1,000 small, solar PV systems statewide since the program was first introduced in late 2004.”

Officials estimate the funding will provide rebates to an additional 325 projects and should last until 2010.


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