Wednesday, July 22, 2009

FEED-IN TARIFFING SPREADS TO CALIFORNIA - 100mw Worth To Be Available In Sacramento Area

The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) has established a feed-in tariff (FIT) that will become effective in January 2010.

According to SMUD, the FIT will be aimed at systems up to 5 MW connected to SMUD's local distribution system, and is capped at 100 MW system-wide. The SMUD FIT will apply to both renewable and fossil-fuel generation technologies, and the utility states that it will set higher prices for power produced from renewable sources like solar and biogas.

SMUD adds that it sees the FIT as a way to provide a new opportunity for customers to own or host efficient small-scale generation plants, and that it will help the utility meet its
renewable portfolio standard and greenhouse gas reduction goals.

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